Concepted, designed and art directed at The Beat magazine for a cover story entitled “Sono Manifesto.” Shot at Heintz-Wasson Studios, we created a tongue in cheek depiction of a group of prominent restaurateurs as an Illuminati-like cabal, secretly working together and pulling the strings behind the scenes to make their city run. Poses were composited from several different shots, the map was overlaid and wrapped on the table cloth post production, the red rotary “hotline” phone was recolored from it’s original yellow, a wisp of smoke was added to the cigar in the hand of the man in top left, the night time street scene was placed in the background, and an overhead lamp and smoky haze were created separately, and the font chosen was a nod to The Godfather films. Finally, a mini mock-up of the completed magazine cover was placed on the front edge of the table (over an fpo magazine) to create a Droste Effect, the illusion of an image within itself. Or did they actually have access to a time machine?